Bouna Keita

Bouna Keita
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Business & Finance
Politics and Governance

Bouna Keita is a leading Guinean entrepreneur and politician. Coming from the business world where he has built a diverse economic empire in key sectors such as mining and trade, he embarked on the political arena with the ambition of running for the presidency in 2010.

Although eliminated in the first round with a disappointing score, he continued his commitment by participating in the 2020 parliamentary elections at the head of his party, the Rassemblement pour une Guinée Prospère (RGP).

Despite a modest result, his party won a seat as a Member, offering Bouna Keita a stand in Parliament where he served as 1st Vice-President of the Environment Committee. A fortunate businessman and ambitious politician, Bouna Keita is a must-see figure in the Guinean landscape.

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Bouna Keita is a Guinean entrepreneur and politician who has marked his country with his atypical journey. Out of business, he entered the political arena with ambition, becoming an indispensable player on the national stage. From participating in the 2010 presidential election to playing as an opponent and as a member of Parliament, Bouna Keita has been able to establish a place of choice in the Guinea landscape. This biography traces his remarkable journey, blending entrepreneurial successes and political commitment.


Although little information is available about his years of education, it is known that Bouna Keita had benefited from a solid education that enabled him to develop his business skills. His studies have prepared him to face the challenges of the Guinea entrepreneurial world.

Professionnal career

Before entering politics, Bouna Keita used his weapons in the private sector. A wise businessman, he managed to build a diversified economic empire, establishing himself as a major player in the Guinea entrepreneurial landscape. His company Batax Bouna International Mining, which specializes in diamond trading, was awarded two mining exploration licences in December 2011.


Bouna Keita is recognized as an accomplished entrepreneur, having invested in various sectors such as mining, real estate and trade. His sharp sense of business enabled him to build a considerable legacy, making him one of Guinea's richest men. However, his entrepreneurial career has not been exempt from controversy, with some of his activities provoking turmoil, such as the case of the former AREDOR whom he accuses Ansoumane Kaba, CEO of Guiter Mining, of spoiling him.

The mining sector has been a key business area for Bouna Keita. In addition to his Batax Bouna International Mining company, he has been involved in other large-scale mining projects. However, some of its activities in this area have caused controversy, regarding the granting of licences and operating licences.

Political career

It was in 2010 that Bouna Keita made her breakthrough entry on the political scene of Guinea by running for the presidential election. Although eliminated in the first round with only 0.08% of the vote, this experience marked the beginning of his political engagement.

In 2020, he participated in the parliamentary elections as the leader of his party, the Rassemblement pour une Guinée Prospère (RGP). Despite a relatively modest score of 0.95% of the vote, his party won a seat as a Member of Parliament, offering Bouna Keita a stand to carry his voice in Parliaments.

2010 presidential election

In the 2010 presidential race, Bouna Keita had high ambitions. However, his disappointing score of 0.08% of the vote in the first round highlights the challenges he faces in imposing himself on the national political chessboard. Despite this failure, this experience has enabled him to gain visibility and lay the foundations for his political commitment.

2020 legislative elections

Ten years after his presidential attempt, Bouna Keita re-positioned himself on the political scene by participating in the 2020 parliamentary elections at the head of his party, the RGP. Although his party received only 0.95% of the vote, he managed to win a seat in parliament, offering Bouna Keita a new stand to defend his ideas and program.

As a Member, Bouna Keita served in the Republican Assembly Parliamentary Group and served as 1st Vice-President of the Committee on the Environment, Fisheries, Rural Development and Sustainable Development. This responsibility has enabled it to influence policies related to these areas of crucial importance for Guinea's development.

Private life

While little is known about Bouna Keita's private life, it is known that he is a wealthy businessman, having managed to build a significant wealth through his entrepreneurial activities. His status as a wealthy and influential man made him a leading figure in the economic and political spheres of Guinea.


Bouna Keita’s journey illustrates the atypical trajectory of an entrepreneur who became a leading politician in Guinea. From the business world, where he built a diverse economic empire, he entered the political arena with presidential ambitions as early as 2010. Although his disappointing scoring in this election slowed his enthusiasm, Bouna Keita managed to rebound by being elected a Member of Parliament in 2020, thus offering a new dimension to his political commitment.

Whether in the private sector or in the public scene, Bouna Keita has established itself as an indispensable player in the Guinean landscape. His remarkable journey demonstrates his determination and ability to meet the challenges he faces. A wise entrepreneur and ambitious politician, Bouna Keita will undoubtedly continue to mark the future of Guinea.


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