Aissata Aribot

Aissata Aribot
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Politics and Governance

Aïssata Aribot is an exceptional woman who has marked the history of the port sector in Guinea and West Africa. Former Director General of the Conakry Autonomous Port, a strategic position she held from January 2019 until her dismissal in December 2021, she demonstrated strong leadership and an innovative vision to modernize infrastructure and position the port as an indispensable player in the subregion.

Despite the controversy surrounding its management, challenged by some critics, Aissata Aribot firmly defended decisions taken in the best interests of the port and the national economy. Internationally recognized for her remarkable career, this woman committed to promoting gender equality has received numerous awards, including recently the award for the best woman in the port field awarded by the African Port Awards Foundation.

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Aissata Aribot is an emblematic figure in the port landscape of Guinea and West Africa. Former Director General of the Conakry Autonomous Port, she has marked her journey with strong leadership and innovative vision for the development of the maritime sector in the region. Her impressive career and unwavering commitment to excellence have helped forge her reputation as a successful and respected leader.


Originally from Guinea, Aïssata Aribot has received a solid training in the field of management and business administration. After obtaining a distinctive university degree, she continued her postgraduate studies abroad, thus acquiring strong expertise in the field of port and maritime.

Professionnal career

Before entering the highest responsibilities, Aissata Aribot climbed the ladder with determination and professional rigour. Her early experience in the port sector enabled her to develop an in-depth understanding of the operational and logistical challenges facing maritime ports.

With strong experience and strong knowledge of the sector, she has been appointed to several managerial positions within different port entities in Guinea and the subregion. Her leadership qualities and ability to drive ambitious projects were quickly acknowledged, thus strengthening her credibility and influence in the port environment.

Director of Port Autonome de Conakry

The culmination of her career was her appointment in January 2019 to the strategic position of Director General of the Conakry Autonomous Port, an essential link in the Guinea economy. Aïssata Aribot has taken the lead of this key institution with an ambitious vision: to modernize infrastructure, optimize processes and position the port as an indispensable player in the subregion.

Under her leadership, the Autonomous Port of Conakry underwent a significant transformation. Thanks to her informed leadership and ability to bring teams together around common goals, many large-scale projects have been launched aimed at improving operational efficiency, enhancing security and increasing the competitiveness of the port.

Although her management was challenged by some critics, Aissata Aribot was able to firmly defend decisions taken in the best interests of the port and the national economy. Her integrity and transparency have been praised by many actors in the sector, both locally and internationally.

Private life

Beyond her remarkable professional career, Aissata Aribot is also a woman committed to promoting gender equality and supporting initiatives to empower women in sectors traditionally dominated by men.

Married and a mother of a family, she was able to combine her professional and personal responsibilities, thus becoming an inspiring model for many ambitious women in such demanding fields as the port sector.


Aissata Aribot's trajectory is an eloquent testimony to determination and excellence. With her visionary leadership and unwavering commitment to the development of the port sector, she has left an indelible mark on the maritime landscape in Guinea and West Africa.

Recognized internationally for her outstanding achievements, Aïssata Aribot has received numerous awards, including recently the award for the best woman with a dynamic position in the maritime and port field, awarded by the prestigious African Port Awards Foundation.

Her career inspires future generations and demonstrates the ability of women to reach the highest peaks, even in sectors traditionally dominated by men. Aïssata Aribot will undoubtedly remain an emblematic figure in the port landscape of Guinea and Africa, a pioneer whose legacy will continue to inspire and guide those who will follow in her footsteps.


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