Khassafan Le Mélangeur

Khassafan Le Mélangeur
First name
Morlaye Max
Last name
Khassafan Le Mélangeur
Date of birth
Native country
Culture and Entertainment

Morlaye Max Camara (born August 13, 1999 in South Africa) is a Guinean rapper. Although initially a graduate of corporate finance, his true passion lies in music, and more rap, which he handles with skill.

Known for its unique style named "Namoui Trap", brilliantly blending traditional influences with modern rap, Le Mélangeur quickly established itself as one of the most promising new faces of the Guinea rap scene. His undeniable talent, combined with his energetic flow and innovative approach, make him an artist to follow very closely in the years to come.

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Guinean rap has experienced a real boom in recent years, promising a promising future for the local music scene. Among the emerging new talents, one artist stands out: Khassafan "The Mixer". With his unique flow and innovative approach, this young rapper continues to fascinate melomans in Guinea and elsewhere.


Morlaye Max Camara, his real name, was born on August 13, 1999. A graduate in corporate finance, he has managed to combine his studies with his devouring passion for music, especially rap, which he practices to perfection.

Career Beginnings

It was in 2017 that Le Mélangeur really made his first steps in the musical universe by experimenting with the trap genre, of which he mastered the codes to marvel. Inspired by the rich culture of his terroir, he created his own style called "Namoui Trap", with which he released his first single "Mélanger" the same year, announcing his breakthrough in the urban sphere.

Musical Journey

Convinced of his talent and originality, Le Mélangeur was promptly invited to participate in the compilation "Garde Royal", a collection gathering the new generation of Guinean rappers. His remarkable performance earned him instant recognition among fans, making him one of the most promising artists on the local stage.

Determined to pursue his passion with his own means, he continued to work hard until his freestyle attracted the attention of the label "RAP EMPIRE", which decided to produce his very first video clip "Lou Bankhi". Released recently, this thrilling and lively track announces a clash between Le Mélangeur and rapper MC Freshh, thus promising a musical rivalry of the most exciting.


Although his career is still in the early stages, Le Mélangeur has already expressed a desire to collaborate with renowned artists. In particular, he wanted to perform a featuring with the French rapper Gazo, whose flow and unique style he admired.


With his undeniable talent, overflowing energy and innovative approach to rap, Khassafan "Le Mélangeur" stands as one of the rising figures of the Guinea music scene. His promising journey and unwavering determination predict a bright future for this artist with immense potential. There is no doubt that The Mixer will continue to glow melomans with its dynamic music and electrifying stage performances.


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