Abdoulaye Kourouma

Abdoulaye Kourouma
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Business & Finance
Politics and Governance

Abdoulaye Kourouma (born July 15, 1983) is a Guinean politician. After studying economics at Kankan University and a master's degree in Russia, he pursued a professional career in various companies before becoming involved in politics. Chairman of the Rassemblement pour la Renaissance et le Développement (RRD) party, he was a candidate for the 2020 presidential election and elected a Member of Parliament in 2020.

A fervent advocate of inclusive dialogue and a return to constitutional order, Kourouma has consistently called for respect for the democratic aspirations of the Guinean people in the face of the transition led by the ruling junta. Despite the challenges, this ambitious four-year-old continues his political struggle, determined to contribute to the development and stability of his country.

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Abdoulaye Kourouma, from the forests of Nzérékoré, Guinea, has made a remarkable breakthrough in the political arena of his country. Born on July 15, 1983, this four-year-old politician climbed the ladder with determination, becoming an indispensable actor on the Guinea political scene. His journey was marked by an unwavering commitment to his people and a willingness to contribute to the development of Guinea.


Abdoulaye Kourouma followed a solid academic career, which laid the foundation for his future political career. After completing his primary and secondary studies in Nzérékoré, he moved to the University of Kankan, where he obtained a bachelor's degree in economics. Wishing to deepen his knowledge, he received a scholarship in Russia in 2008, which enabled him to obtain a master's degree in project studies, follow-up and evaluation at the Dakar Higher Institute of Engineering.

Professionnal career

Strong in his academic qualifications, Abdoulaye Kourouma quickly climbed the professional ranks, holding positions of responsibility in several companies. He has been the representative of the Russian company SALATINO in Africa, president of the company Guinea agro-commerce and sale of agricultural products, co-founder of the firm Global Consulting and founder and owner of Global Transport company. In parallel, he presided over the Guinea-Korea Development Association, demonstrating his commitment to international cooperation.

Political struggle

In addition to his professional activities, Abdoulaye Kourouma engaged in the political struggle by becoming president of the Rassemblement pour la Renaissance et le Développement (RRD). This political formation advocates the revival and development of Guinea through structural reforms and responsible governance. As the RRD leader, Abdoulaye Kourouma managed to gather around him a core of convinced supporters, sharing his vision of a prosperous and democratic Guinea.

2020 Presidential Election

The year 2020 marked a crucial turning point in Abdoulaye Kourouma's political career. Indeed, he presented himself as a candidate in the presidential election of 18 October 2020, an important milestone in his political career. Although the results were not favourable, this experience has enabled it to gain visibility and credibility with the Guinean electorate. His campaign was an opportunity to defend his ideas and promote his programme for the development of the country.

Parliamentary journey

In March 2020, Abdoulaye Kourouma reached a new stage by being elected to the National Assembly of Guinea. This position enabled him to sit in the Committee on Foreign Affairs and Foreign Guineans, thus offering him a stand to defend the interests of his party and his constituents. Within that institution, he committed himself to promoting inclusive dialogue in Guinea.

Following the coup d'état of 5 September 2021, Abdoulaye Kourouma continued to advocate a peaceful democratic transition that respected the aspirations of the Guinean people. He strongly criticized the diversions of the National Committee of the Assembly for Development (CNRD), the military junta in power since the September 2021 coup, while calling for dialogue and national reconciliation.

In an interview with Guineematin.com in September 2023, on the occasion of the second anniversary of the CNRD's takeover of power, Abdoulaye Kourouma made a severe review of the transition, deploring, among other things, "a lot of loss of human lives" and a lack of dialogue with socio-political actors. He called for a "day of prayer, reconciliation and forgiveness" rather than a commemoration of the coup.

In a March 2024 interview, Abdoulaye Kourouma expressed confidence in the possibility of a return to constitutional order by the end of the year, in accordance with the ECOWAS timetable. While calling for the benefit of doubt to be granted to the CNRD, he warned that the Guineans would be able to draw the consequences in the event of perjury or non-compliance with the commitments made.


Abdoulaye Kourouma's journey testifies to his dedication and willingness to contribute to the development of his country. Despite the challenges encountered, it continues to promote inclusive dialogue and the return to constitutional order in Guinea. With his experience, leadership and determination, this promising politician is called to play a key role in the political future of Guinea.

With its progressive vision, its sense of dialogue and its commitment to democratic values, Abdoulaye Kourouma embodies the hope of a reconciled and prosperous Guinea. His exemplary career makes him a model for young Guinean people, who are keen to be involved in building a better future for their country.


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